
The State of the Blog  

I managed to get a little work done on the site this weekend. I replaced the Amazon keyword thingies with a javascript powered rss feed from about.com which usually has some pretty good articles . I also, for the first time in the almost six weeks I have been using Blogger as a content manager, looked at the site in Internet Explorer and fixed any display problems that I noticed so that the site now looks pretty much the same in Firefox .8, Mozilla 1.6 and IE 6. If you have any recommendations as to how I can further improve things drop me a line at mail@paranormalreport.com. I also added some weirdness to the "weird pictures" section of the site so go have a look...

spontaneous human combustion paranormal hoax conspiracy unexplained unknown mystery mysterious mysteries humor video hollow earth chimichanga anti-gravity paranormal ESP evp psychics psychic ghosts photo ghost stories ghost photos ghost paranormal hauntings haunted houses Bigfoot Loch Ness monster Chupacabras scary occult near-death links experience NDE OBE out-of-body experience OOB paranormal miracles free energy remote science viewing paranormal reverse speech evp paranormal combustion paranormal time travel paranormal spirit proof phenomena and the unexplained, paranormal pictures including ghosts, ghost stories ghost photos, monsters, ESP, psychic, human and Earth mystery pics paranormal occult time travel ghost strange sceince paranormal

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spontaneous hollow earth human combustion time travel paranormal paranormal phenomena paranormal mystery mysterious mysteries phenomena unexplained unknownanti-gravity
ESP psychics travel paranormalpsychic phenomena ghosts ghost stories ghost photos hauntings haunted houses Bigfoot Loch Ness monster
Chupacabras near-death experience NDE out-of-body experience OOB miracles free energy remote viewing reverse speech
spontaneous human combustion time travel paranormal phenomena and the unexplained, including ghosts, ghost stories,
ghost photos, monsters, ESP, psychic phenomena, human and Earth mysteries, time travel and strange sceince, and more
paranormal phenomena

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