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Eight Legged Piggy Goes to Market.![]() Found via BoingBoing.net where there is also some neat videos of water balloons being burst in a zero gravity environment. S. Korea reports cloning of human embryo
South Korean scientists have succeeded in creating human embryo clones, a major breakthrough for the promising field of stem cell therapy - and for the far more controversial endeavor of cloning a human...tucsoncitizen.com
Ancient stone circle has made us ill, say ghost detectives
"A PAIR of psychic investigators looking at the healing properties of an ancient stone circle claim it has made them seriously ill."icwales.com
Ghost Cam
A young linen worker, named Helena Blunden, died after a tragic fall in a Belfast mill in 1912. There are many people who believe she still haunts the mill today. The printing company which is now based in the mill building alerted us to unusual, eerie encounters with a ghostly inhabitant...irelandseye.com
"This Friday some people will be so paralyzed with fear they simply won't get out of bed. Others will steadfastly refuse to fly on an airplane, buy a house, or act on a hot stock tip. It's Friday the 13th, and they're freaked out."National Geographic
Here's a bit on the numerology of the number 13 Sicilian fires recall nanny's 'witch' ordeal
Mysterious fires in Italy have some blaming Satan.
"EVEN amid the folklore and superstition which is woven through the fabric of rural Italy, it is a phenomenon which Sicilians have never faced before: a series of unexplained fires, arising in household appliances, even when the electricity is switched off."scotsman.com Steven Squyres: Spheres Are Not Fossils![]() Another article says that scientists are baffled by said spheres. Yahoo! Shark VS Swimmer
Yahoo! Has a picture of the little shark that latched onto a swimmers leg yesterday. And it's still attached. Ouch.
The Latest Mars Weirdness
I have noticed that alot of people are looking for pictures of anomalies int the Mars rover pictures so here's a link to Richard Hogland's site he has lots of hi res pictures of what he believes are artifacts of an ancient civilization. He also has an open letter to Steven Squyres that appears to have been written by someone from the future who says that the Chinese were the ones credited with discovering evidence of prior civilizations on Mars in 2024. neat. enterprisemission.com
UFO as Seen by Space Shuttle?
This video is of what I can only guess is some sort of natural phenomenon captured by the space shuttle in 1996. It looks like meteors striking the upper atmosphere which alone is stunning but as all of this is going a white orb of some sort floats across the screen. UFO - on NASA shuttle video Dec 1996.mpeg 1.06 megs
Chippy the Sea Lion![]() Anyway, the poor beast had a bullet in his head that theoretically messed up his inner compass and caused him to follow the San Joaquin river upstream. He then apparently got lost in a complex series of canals that run from the river to the farm land in that area. The most amazing part of this story though is that he lumbered almost a mile over dry land before he was discovered. He has been dubbed healthy and a fund has even been started to help cover the medical expenses. I guess this way he won't have to mortgage his home or something drastic like that. How exactly does a Sea lion get a bullet to the head? Well, it‘s possible he was fleeing a crime scene. I did some googling to try and figure out why someone would shoot a sea lion and it turns out that fishermen shoot them all the time because they follow fishing vessels and eat their catches before they real them in. More on Chippy Sea lion shootings anger park officials When UFOs Arrive
Popular Mechanics has a neat article on the world's protocals for alien visitation. There is mention of the Brookings Report and SETI's custom rules. Popular Mechanics
The Return of Paganism
Like European politicians who continue to block any mention of Christianity in the draft of the continent's Constitution, public officials around the globe increasingly are adopting measures that favor a return to pre-Christian paganism.
Denmark has announced it will allow a group that worships Thor, Odin and other Norse gods to conduct legally-valid marriages, the Associated Press reported Nov. 5. newsmax.com Dave Barry On Mars
"Should we go to Mars?
I don't mean personally, of course. I, for one, am unable to go to Mars because of a dental appointment. But should humans, in general, go to Mars? As you know, the idea of a Mars mission was proposed recently by President George ''W'' Bush. What happened was, one evening he and his staff were sitting around the Oval Office, trying to think of something for the nation to do, and they got to looking out the window at the vastness of the night sky, and the president suddenly said: ``Hey, we should go to . . . to . . . whaddyacallit!'..."' miami.com Perv Chopped Up
A teacher who wrote books and led tours that revolved around grisly murders has been found "chopped up" dailyrecord.co.uk
Family Flees Ghost![]() "Members of a Gravesend family say they have been forced to flee their home after a ghostly apparition turned rooms cold and burned candles black. Even a blessing from a vicar - called in by Gravesham Council - has failed to deter the spirit from spooking the family..." kent-online.co.uk More on the Amesbury Archer, ‘King of Stonehenge’
"The man who may have helped organise the building of Stonehenge was a settler from continental Europe, archaeologists say..." popular-science.net
Mice Make Monkey Sperm
And remember, you heard it here first! Betterhumans.com
Expedition Hunts Giant Meteor
"An international scientific expedition will fly to Stewart Island next week on a quest to track down a meteor that may have sparked a tsunami that possibly wiped out a legendary Chinese fleet 500 years ago..." nzherald.co.nz
Global Warming and Suitcase Nukes
Some arabic paper that I have never heard of say that Al Queda has suitcase nukes...
"The Arabic daily reported that sources close to Al-Qaida said Osama bin Laden's group bought the nuclear weapons from Ukrainian scientists who were visiting Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 1998." haaretz.com In other sky is falling news a Canadian "official" says Global warming bigger threat than terrorism Mine Hill haunt gets ghost check
"There have been stories of ghosts in the neighborhood, according to an author who has done some research on the subject, not to mention 19th century murders and strange accidents..." Daily Record
Ex-astronaut's curiosity continues
A good article about how walking on the moon changed apollo astronaut Edgar Dean Mitchell's spiritual perspective. palmbeachpost.com
The Birds...
More on the dead birds that rained from the sky in China at Yahoo!
Fun Fact #271
The Howard Dean scream that sounds remarkably like this recording of bigfoot was aired by cable channels 633 times and that doesn't even include how many times the broadcast channels played it. Yahooo!
Flash video of a man smoking a pipe through his, em... through his eye.
![]() There is also a UFO on the horizon of one of the spirit images from the navcam taken on sol 33. It's the little black dot on the right about 5 degrees up.. Lots of UFO Videos
lolik4 at Para-normal.com has put together a stunning packet of 151 UFO videos that includes almost all of the famous footage like the Phoenix sighting, Apollo footage and even a neat Area 51 sighting. I still haven't looked through all of them but will upload and share some of the better ones when I get a chance. The download requires requires a free membership and since it's a huge 200 meg file it prolly won't last long...
Dinosaur With 4 wings Found in China![]() ESP psychics travel paranormalpsychic phenomena ghosts ghost stories ghost photos hauntings haunted houses Bigfoot Loch Ness monster Chupacabras near-death experience NDE out-of-body experience OOB miracles free energy remote viewing reverse speech spontaneous human combustion time travel paranormal phenomena and the unexplained, including ghosts, ghost stories, ghost photos, monsters, ESP, psychic phenomena, human and Earth mysteries, time travel and strange sceince, and more paranormal phenomena |
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