
Journal of a Schizophrenic  

This Excert from a journal, whether Fact or Fiction is a good read. The first person(s) account of a fellow suffering from schizophrenia:
    "It: Agreed. But why do we need rules?
    Me: Because this terrifies me. I can't help but think someday you'll take over, or something else will move in and take over, and I'll never be heard from again.
    It: How do you know that this isn't part of the normal human experience? Maybe you're growing, and the young you is dying, and the old you is moving in to take over.
    Me: I don't believe that for a second. I think we're both mature, and stable in our own ways. This just scares the piss out of me.
    It: Everything scares you
    Me: I know.
    Me: But why?
    It: Lack of center. Lack of statistical normal, the center around which everything turns. We are so abnormal that there is no place to start from, no way to lead a normal life when you can't point a finger and say, 'Now that's normal'."


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