
Dibbuk Haunted Jewish Wine Cabinet Box  

    I don't really want to talk about anything between September and January, so I'll just say that I'm selling the box now for a couple reasons:
    1. Around October 6th, I started feeling bad, with trouble sleeping. This problem has persisted through today.
    2. I live alone now, and as of late I have noticed replacing a lot of burnt out lightbulbs, and getting many unusual car repairs (transmission fluid was burned out of the reservoir.)
    3. I've started seeing things, sort of like large vertical dark blurs in my periphreal vision.
    4. I smell something like juniper bushes or stingy ammonia in my garage often, and I have no idea what from.
    5. Most disturbingly, last Tuesday (1-27-2004), my hair began to fall out. Today (Friday) it's about half gone. I'm in my early twenties, and I just got a clean blood test back from the doctor's. Maybe it's stress related, I don't know.


I also archived the auction Page or for when it ends.. Haunted Cabinet

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