
Goverment blames aliens for fires in italian village...  

A GOVERNMENT investigation into a series of unexplained fires in fridges, televisions and mobile phones in an Italian village has concluded that the responsibility lies with "aliens testing secret weapons".

In scenes similar to the drama series The X-Files, Canneto di Caronia on Sicily was the centre of world attention three years ago after residents reported everyday household objects - electrical appliances, a pile of wedding presents and furniture - bursting into flames....



Man Eating Badgers in Iraq.  

The British are being accused of bringing man-eating badgers to Iraq. No, really.


In case you need more proof that Japan is weird, here's a gallery of Japanese condom wrappers...【楽天市場】

Building a better gummy bear  

Matt created a giant gummy bear by melting down 13 pounds of regular gummies and pouring them into a giant bear mold. Like a gummy Voltron they assembled to form the awesome ass-kicking gelatin beast we see here.
In his own words:
"$150,000 tuition & 4 years of a college education. His greatest achieveme..."

Given the hot and sticky nature of the internet I believe giant gummy sex toys will be popping up in 3...2...

Mammatus Clouds over Hastings, Nebraska  

Mother nature has to standup every once and while and say "Look what I can do. See! see! I'm not just all about hurricanes, drought, locusts and earthquakes. I have a softer gentler side..."

Interview with George Filer  

George Filer writes a weekly report on UFO activity and has seen his share as an air force pilot:
    "Filer said he has the opportunity to discuss UFOs with astronauts, cosmonauts and airline pilots.

    "They have seen them, but won’t say it publicly," Filer said. "To put it bluntly, our (military) air cruisers see them now, but they don’t talk about UFOs either. I’ve also had airline pilots contact me, but they are not supposed to tell the public they are seeing UFOs."


Jesus is back and boy is he pissed  

Some Guy made an Unreal Tounament map for H4rdcor3 christi4nz? I hope this is satire...


Made It To Alabama.  

Well I made it to alabama mississpi so far only 760 miles to go.


PR will be down for a while.  

I won't be able to update PR for a couple of weeks because I am moving back east. I spec I should have things up and running by mid march. Until then, here's a video of

Leonard Nemoy singing "The Balad of Bilbo Baggins

Rover in Action  

A video of what really happened to the spirit rover during the downtime last month...

spaceref.com (.mov Format)

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